Renforcer la confiance en soi et réaliser ses rêves au féminin.

En tant que femmes, il peut sembler parfois intimidant de poursuivre nos plus grandes ambitions. Nous pouvons douter de nos capacités, nous inquiéter de ce que les autres penseront de nous, ou avoir du mal à croire que nous sommes capables d’atteindre nos rêves. Cependant, développer la confiance en soi ainsi que le courage de poursuivre nos passions est crucial pour débloquer notre véritable potentiel.

Trop souvent, les attentes de la société peuvent fragiliser la confiance en soi. On nous demande d’être modestes, discrètes et effacées, la pression est souvent écrasante.

La femme moderne doit exceller dans sa carrière, être une excellente femme au foyer, une mère parfaite, une épouse extraordinaire, une merveilleuse cuisinière, un membre actif et impliqué dans sa communauté, et avec tout cela, rester mince, élégante et en bonne santé. Il n’est pas surprenant que les femmes soient stressées et épuisées! Pourtant, le monde d’aujourd’hui a besoin de femmes sûres d’elles, confiantes et conscientes de leur valeur, et surtout déterminées à suivre leurs passions sans s’excuser.

La première étape consiste à faire taire cette petite voix intérieure critique, et à la remplacer par une voix intérieure encourageante et optimiste. En cas de doute, il ne faut pas se laisser submerger par les échecs passés et affaiblir ses propres forces intérieures. Il est préférable de dresser une liste de ses réussites, grandes ou petites, pour se rappeler constamment de ses capacités et de son potentiel.

Il est également important de vous entourer de personnes qui croient en vous et qui soutiennent vos efforts. Cherchez des conseillers ou des guides, que ce soient vos aînées, des professeurs ou des modèles dans votre domaine, qui peuvent vous guider et vous encourager. Construisez un réseau d’amis bienveillants qui célébreront vos victoires et seront là pour vous soutenir lorsque vous rencontrerez des défis.

Bien sûr, développer la confiance en soi est un voyage continu, pas une solution unique. Challengez-vous régulièrement à sortir de votre zone de confort et prenez des risques. Postulez pour ce stage de rêve, portez-vous volontaire pour un rôle de leadership, ou exprimez vos idées courageusement lors des réunions. Chaque fois que vous dépasserez vos peurs et vos insécurités, vous deviendrez plus forte et plus sûre de vous.

Rappelez-vous que pour réaliser vos rêves ca vaut la peine de se battre. Le monde a besoin de vos talents, de vos perspectives et de vos passions qui vous sont uniques. Alors franchissez ce premier pas aujourd’hui, et observez votre confiance se renforcer et vos plus folles aspirations commencer à prendre forme. L’avenir vous appartient.

Extrait du livre La petite voie de mon enfant intérieur

Un atelier juste pour vous

Les émotions sont les boussoles de nos vies. Elles nous guident, nous mettent au défi, influencent nos décisions et façonnent les chemins que nous choisissons. Embrasser et comprendre nos émotions est la clé principale pour libérer notre potentiel personnel et professionnel.

Si vous avez envie de gagner en bien-être et de vous accorder une pause? Mon atelier est fait pour vous ! En quelques heures, vous allez apprendre comment vous épanouir au quotidien. Inscrivez-vous en suivant le lien ci-dessous, les places sont limitées!
Au plaisir de vous voir!

Terre d’Eveil – Marrakech
Phone: +212-673-460209
Fixe :    +212-524-348503

Let go of denial and rediscover inner peace

Embrace the liberating power of accepting reality as it is, and allow yourself to release denial, paving the way for a journey to rediscover and nurture your inner peace and tranquility. Emotional wounds, also known as soul wounds, are profound traumas that deeply impact your inner peace. These unconscious wounds, originating from your personal experiences, have a significant and often subconscious impact on your everyday life. They have the potential to undermine your sense of joy, health, and relationship with others, ultimately affecting various aspects of your life. Wounds like:

  • The wound of injustice is associated with a deep sense of injustice and a profound feeling of being wronged. Individuals carrying this wound often exhibit heightened sensitivity towards injustices and inequalities, compelling them to advocate for the marginalized and oppressed. It originates from the personal experience of unfair treatment, resulting in a relentless pursuit of fairness and justice in all aspects of life.
  • The wound of betrayal is a deep emotional injury caused by betrayal or a breach of trust, leaving individuals with lasting scars that make it challenging to trust others and form healthy relationships. Those who have experienced betrayal in the past often struggle with ongoing feelings of distrust towards others, making it difficult to let their guard down and open up to new connections.
  • The wound of rejection is a profound hurt that originates from a deep feeling of not being acknowledged or cherished. Those who carry this wound tend to struggle with vulnerability, as they fear being rejected. This wound can lead to feelings of being unwanted or discarded, ultimately resulting in repeated experiences of feeling abandoned throughout life.
  • The wound of abandonment is a deep emotional scar that stems from experiences of loss or abandonment, leading to a persistent fear of being deserted. Those carrying this wound often struggle in forming secure relationships, plagued by the constant dread of being abandoned once again. This fear can manifest in an aversion to commitment and attachment, further complicating their ability to trust and engage in healthy connections with others.
  • The wound of humiliation is a deep emotional injury that is closely tied to feelings of shame. Those who carry this wound often struggle with feelings of inadequacy and may go to great lengths to shield themselves from criticism. This wound typically originates from experiences where one has been degraded or shamed, leading to a heightened sensitivity to any form of criticism or judgment.

Excerpt from the book: Our Emotional Energy

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique)

The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is gaining recognition as an alternative therapy with numerous benefits. Developed by Dr. Gary Craig in the 1990s, this technique, often referred to as “emotional acupuncture,” is becoming increasingly popular due to its positive impact on both physical and mental health.

EFT is particularly effective in managing stress and anxiety by targeting specific acupuncture points while addressing negative thoughts. Studies have shown that it can significantly reduce levels of stress and anxiety, even in challenging situations.

In addition to stress, EFT is also beneficial for addressing other negative emotions like anger, fear, sadness, and guilt. By identifying and addressing the root cause of emotional issues, this technique helps individuals regulate their emotions and find inner balance. Many people have experienced positive results in overcoming traumas, phobias, and emotional crises through EFT.

While EFT is primarily known for its mental health benefits, research is increasingly highlighting its positive effects on physical health. By addressing energetic imbalances, EFT can help alleviate chronic conditions such as migraines, joint pain, and digestive issues. It can also help reduce the side effects of medical treatments.

In addition to its therapeutic benefits, EFT can be used for personal development by improving self-awareness, confidence, and self-esteem. Many individuals have reported a significant improvement in their quality of life through practicing EFT.

EFT is a simple, effective, and safe technique that is accessible to everyone. Whether used to face specific issues or promote overall well-being, EFT is a valuable complementary approach worth exploring.

Extract from the book: The Little Voice of my Inner Child

Giveaway Free Amazon Kindle Ebooks

Dear readers,

I’m excited to offer my 2 KDP books for free in English and French from 17th May to 21st May only!

Our Emotional Energy
Notre Énergie Émotionnelle

This is the perfect opportunity to discover my work and share your impressions. Your reviews are important to me and will help me continue providing you with quality content.
So don’t hesitate, download these free books right away from my Website and leave me a review! I will be very grateful.
Thank you all for your support,

Chers lecteurs,
J’ai le plaisir de vous offrir gratuitement mes 2 livres KDP en Français et en Anglais du 17 Mai au 21 Mai seulement !

Our Emotional Energy
Notre Énergie Émotionnelle

C’est l’occasion de découvrir mon travail et de me faire part de vos impressions. Vos avis sont importants pour moi et m’aideront à continuer à vous offrir du contenu de qualité.
Alors n’hésitez pas, téléchargez vite ces livres gratuits à partir de mon Siteweb et laissez-moi un commentaire ! Je vous en serai très reconnaissante.
Merci à tous pour votre soutien,

Wafa El-Amrani

Notre Enfant Intérieur est Notre Responsabilité

L’adulte en nous est entièrement responsable de chérir son enfant intérieur, tout comme il le ferait pour son propre enfant. Il est essentiel que l’adulte en nous assume la responsabilité de guérir son enfant intérieur car il est étroitement lié à notre santé physique et mentale.

Reconnaître et chérir les parties blessées en nous est crucial pour faire la paix avec notre passé. Notre enfant intérieur continuera à nous impacter tout au long de notre vie même si nous n’en sommes pas conscients, donc c’est notre responsabilité d’embrasser et de chérir cette partie de nous-mêmes à travers le développement personnel.

Souvenez-vous que notre enfant intérieur, avec sa mémoire sans restriction, agit de manière inconsciente comme notre guide intérieur, qu’on le veuille ou pas il nous mène à prendre des décisions et des choix en accord avec lui. En fin de compte, c’est lui qui a le dernier mot dans toutes nos expériences et nos décisions présentes.

Tout commence par le Pardon.

Le pardon est un acte courageux et libérateur, car il nous permet de passer du mode “victime” au mode “responsable”. Cela nous permet de nous libérer de la mentalité de victime, où nos pensées et émotions négatives consomment la force vitale de notre âme, la dépouillant de tous ses beaux trésors.

Prendre ses responsabilités signifie prendre le contrôle de soi, être responsable de toutes ses actions et de ses émotions. En nous pardonnant à nous-mêmes et aux autres, nous nous libérons du poids des ressentiments du passé, et adoptons une approche beaucoup plus proactive de la vie.

Embrasser le pardon nous libère non seulement du poids des blessures passées, mais ouvre également un espace serein pour notre évolution, pour la guérison et la transformation positive. Cela nous donne le pouvoir de nous débarrasser de l’amertume et du ressentiment qui nous retiennent, nous permettant ainsi de nous projeter dans un avenir plus épanouissant.

En choisissant le pardon, nous choisissons de reprendre notre pouvoir intérieur et de créer une vie remplie d’amour, de compassion et de paix intérieure.

Extrait du livre

“La Petite Voix de mon Enfant Intérieur”

Our Inner-child is Our Responsibility

The adult in us is fully responsible for healing and nurturing its inner child, just as he would for his own child. It is essential that our inner adult takes on the responsibility of healing its inner child because it is closely connected to our physical and mental health.

Recognizing and nurturing the wounded parts of ourselves is crucial in order to make peace with our past. Our inner child will continue to impact us throughout our lifetime unconsciously, even if we are not aware of it, so it is our responsibility to embrace and nurture this part of ourselves through personal growth.

Remember that our inner child, with its pure and unrestricted memory, acts unconsciously as our inner guide, leading us towards making decisions and choices that are aligned with him. Ultimately, he has the final word in all our present experiences and decisions.

It all starts with forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a courageous and liberating act, as it allows us to move from the “victim” mode to the “responsible” mode. It enables us to break free from the mindset of being a victim, where our negative thoughts and emotions unconsciously consume the life force within our soul, depleting it of all its beautiful treasures.

Taking responsibility means taking charge of yourself, taking responsibility for all your actions and emotions. By forgiving yourself and others, we free ourselves from the burden of resentment of the past, and embrace a much more proactive approach to life.

Embracing forgiveness not only liberates us from the weight of past hurts, but also opens up space for growth, healing, and positive transformation. It empowers us to release the bitterness and resentment that hold us back, allowing us to step into a brighter, more fulfilling future.

By choosing forgiveness, we choose to reclaim our power and create a life filled with love, compassion, and inner peace.

Excerpt from the book
“The Little Voice of my Inner Child”

Giveaway Free Amazon Kindle Ebooks

Hello everyone,

I’m thrilled to announce the launch of my new books! I can’t wait for you to dive into these new adventures with me.  Plus, to celebrate the release, I’m offering 2 free Kindle ebooks on Amazon from April 1st to 5th available in both French and English. Stay tuned for more details and special surprises coming your way. 

Your feedback means a lot to me, so feel free to leave a review, it’s truly appreciated.
Thank you for your amazing support!
Wishing you the very best

The little voice of my inner child

Salut tout le monde!
Je suis ravie de vous annoncer le lancement de mes nouveaux livres ! J’ai hâte que vous plongiez dans ces nouvelles aventures avec moi. Pour célébrer cette sortie, je vous offre 2 ebooks Kindle gratuits sur Amazon du 1er au 5 avril. Restez à l’écoute pour plus de détails et de surprises.

Vos retours me tiennent énormément à cœur, n’hésitez donc pas à laisser un avis, cela serait grandement apprécié.
Merci pour votre précieux soutien,

Avec mes meilleurs voeux de réussite

La petite voix de mon enfant intérieur

Reconnecting with your heart

Embarking on the longest journey of your life may not require a passport or a plane ticket. In fact, it spans just a few centimeters, yet its significance is immeasurable. This journey entails reconnecting with your heart, shifting from the realm of the mind to the sanctuary of the heart.

In today’s fast-paced world, filled with distractions and demands, it is easy to become disconnected from our physical selves. We often find ourselves lost in thought, consumed by worries of the past or anxieties about the future. This constant mental chatter can create a rift between our minds and bodies, leaving us feeling fragmented and out of touch with our true essence.

However, the path to wholeness begins with a simple yet profound shift in awareness. It involves tuning into the subtle whispers of the body, listening to its innate wisdom, and honoring its needs. This process of reconnection requires patience, compassion, and a willingness to let go of the incessant chatter of the mind.

As you embark on this inner journey, you may encounter resistance and discomfort. The mind, accustomed to its dominance, may resist relinquishing control and surrendering to the wisdom of the heart. Yet, with each step taken towards reconnecting with your physical being, you will begin to experience a sense of alignment and harmony that transcends words.

Moving from the head to the heart is not merely a physical transition but a profound spiritual awakening. It is a homecoming to the seat of your emotions, intuition, and deepest truths. Here, in the sanctuary of the heart, lies a wellspring of love, compassion, and authenticity waiting to be rediscovered.

To remain in this sacred space requires a commitment to self-care, mindfulness, and self-compassion. It involves cultivating a deep sense of presence and acceptance towards oneself and others. As you learn to dwell in the heart-centered awareness, you will find that life unfolds with greater ease and grace.

In conclusion, the longest journey one can undertake is the journey inward – the voyage from the head to the heart. By rekindling the connection with your body, honoring its wisdom, and residing in the sanctuary of the heart, you will discover a profound sense of wholeness and well-being that transcends distance and time. Embrace this journey with an open heart and a curious mind, for within lies the key to true self-discovery and inner peace.

I invite you to register for my Free course
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All the best,

The Sacred Role of Parenting

Parenting often is described as the most important and sacred job in the world, but unfortunately, it is a role that comes without a manual, license, or qualifications. Whether a person becomes a parent by intent or by accident, intentionally or unintentionally they find themselves in a role that has a critical impact upon a new life.

The lack of regulation of parenting has a significant impact on how children are raised and the values they receive. The absence of structured training for parents underscores the need for a deeper understanding of the emotional intelligence required to raise well-balanced future adults.

The upbringing of a child is a profound responsibility that shapes their beliefs, behaviors, and future interactions with the world. Without good guidelines or training, parents navigate this journey based on their own experiences, beliefs, and sometimes unconscious patterns. This unregulated approach can lead to inconsistencies in parenting styles, neglect of mental considerations, and a lack of emotional well-being.

The role of emotional intelligence in parenting becomes crucial in today’s world, where external influences are overflowing. Emotional intelligence involves self-awareness, empathy, effective communication, and the ability to manage emotions in oneself and others. Parents equipped with high emotional intelligence can create nurturing environments where children feel understood, supported, and encouraged to develop their own emotional skills.

By incorporating emotional intelligence into parenting practices, caregivers can foster strong parent-child relationships built on trust, respect, and open communication. This approach not only benefits the child’s emotional development but also enhances the parent’s ability to connect with their child on a deeper level. Understanding and managing emotions effectively can lead to healthier family dynamics, improved conflict resolution, and a more positive overall atmosphere at home.

I stay at your disposal for more information,  
Feel free to contact me if needed. 
All the best,
Wafa El-Amrani