The right key

The main purpose of a relationships is not to last at all costs, the duration doesn’t really matter!

What really matters is to help us evolve according to our soul purpose. It is therefore important to achieve gratitude for each of our relationships whether they are lasting or not. 

One of the reasons you may not be able to live in a stable, lasting relationship is because you haven’t yet learned to lovingly embrace relationships that don’t last.

As long as we do not manage to live a situation without guilt, we will have to live again and again the same situation until we have succeeded in completely freeing ourselves from all feeling of guilt. 

The first step is to become aware of that guilt feeling, because in the majority of cases we are not even aware that we are living our lives with guilt. Accepting the end of a relationship with love does not mean that you have to be okay with it, it means that you are able to admit the situation without feeling guilty, and that you are able to welcome and deal with your emotions. 

If you are uncomfortable with learning how to heal your emotional wounds, know that the benefits are immense! By recognizing with awareness that healing with forgiveness and gratitude is the right key to manifest the best of life for your greater good, is to give yourself the opportunity to receive a lesson to teach you more about love,  and to realize what life has sent you one more time!  

Who knows this time, it might be a successful relationship.

Wafa Elamrani

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