Our Inner-child is Our Responsibility

The adult in us is fully responsible for healing and nurturing its inner child, just as he would for his own child. It is essential that our inner adult takes on the responsibility of healing its inner child because it is closely connected to our physical and mental health.

Recognizing and nurturing the wounded parts of ourselves is crucial in order to make peace with our past. Our inner child will continue to impact us throughout our lifetime unconsciously, even if we are not aware of it, so it is our responsibility to embrace and nurture this part of ourselves through personal growth.

Remember that our inner child, with its pure and unrestricted memory, acts unconsciously as our inner guide, leading us towards making decisions and choices that are aligned with him. Ultimately, he has the final word in all our present experiences and decisions.

It all starts with forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a courageous and liberating act, as it allows us to move from the “victim” mode to the “responsible” mode. It enables us to break free from the mindset of being a victim, where our negative thoughts and emotions unconsciously consume the life force within our soul, depleting it of all its beautiful treasures.

Taking responsibility means taking charge of yourself, taking responsibility for all your actions and emotions. By forgiving yourself and others, we free ourselves from the burden of resentment of the past, and embrace a much more proactive approach to life.

Embracing forgiveness not only liberates us from the weight of past hurts, but also opens up space for growth, healing, and positive transformation. It empowers us to release the bitterness and resentment that hold us back, allowing us to step into a brighter, more fulfilling future.

By choosing forgiveness, we choose to reclaim our power and create a life filled with love, compassion, and inner peace.

Excerpt from the book
“The Little Voice of my Inner Child”

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