Soul Satisfaction

Le sentiment de satisfaction ne se ressent qu’avec l’acceptation de qui nous sommes, avec nos défauts et nos qualités, notre ombre et notre lumière, notre passé et nos imperfections à l’aide du savoir, et grâce à l’Amour Divin.
Puis lorsque la peur, l’ego et les sentiments négatifs, diminuent leur impact sur nous pour quitter notre corps émotionnel et disparaître, on réalise tout à coup, que nous venons de libérer un espace important en nous, un espace qui respire et qui vibre pour être rempli de lumière Divine, afin de pouvoir être guidé vers une prise de conscience et retrouver notre équilibre, et principalement ce sentiment de satisfaction que nous chérissons tellement. 
La mission de notre âme consiste justement à élever le niveau de notre conscience, et à prendre conscience du fonctionnement de notre système énergétique grâce à l’amour Divin qui touche tous les aspects de notre vie, de la naissance à la fin, s’il y a une fin.

Wafa El-Amrani

Happy Valentine

On this special occasion of Valentine’s day, I offer you my book for free from the 10th to the 14 February (in kindle format), wishing you a happy Valentine’s Day filled with inner peace, love, tenderness, and above all plenty of joy.

Warm regards
Wafa El-Amrani


The beauty of our amazing world, the peaceful pace of nature, the cycle of our own health and success, they all depend on positive energy.

When it comes to spiritual connection to God and truly understanding nature’s mechanism, there is only one explanation, everything in life happens for a reason, it’s just that sometimes those reasons are beyond our comprehension.

But one thing is for sure, we are energy, an energy in continual motion, if it is negative it could imprison us, and if it is positive it could free us.

Wafa El-Amrani

Nos deux polarités

La société a pendant longtemps séparé les deux énergies masculine et féminine en ignorant leurs qualités, sans nous donner d’explication sur la manière dont nous devrions les approcher et les gérer.

Pourquoi donc le concept de ces deux polarités féminine et masculine semblerait-t-il être un concept étranger chez beaucoup de personnes? L’ironie de cette situation est que beaucoup de chercheurs scientifiques soutiennent la diversité de la création dans toute la nature, comme le yin-yang, le pôle nord et le pôle sud, la chaleur et le froid, le jour et la nuit, la matière et l’énergie, etc… comme étant deux polarités complémentaires qui créent justement de l’énergie positive sans problème, mais lorsqu’il s’agit de leur propre “moi” tout change, ils rejettent ce concept même s’il est l’essence de leur propre âme et c’est souvent leur polarité féminine qu’ils rejettent le plus.

La science a prouvé que l’univers a des expressions féminines et masculines en lui même et nous, les êtres humains, nous n’en faisons pas exception.

Pour rattraper le retard de cette science Divine, les femmes doivent apprendre à vivre dans un monde construit par l’énergie masculine, et apprendre à se familiariser intimement avec leur deux polarités.

Par exemple lorsqu’elles terminent leur travail utilisant leur énergie masculine, elle doivent apprendre à s’en détacher pour retrouver leur vraie nature, leur énergie féminine sereinement pour que leur famille puisse vivre dans un équilibre sain. Elles doivent apprendre à gérer leurs deux énergies avec paix et harmonie, sachant que notre univers intérieur est celui qui mène et guide notre vie quotidienne.

L’être humain ne peut plus renier sa nature pour l’amour de son bien-être et sa santé, certes il est pris entre deux hormones-leaders: la testostérone et l’œstrogène qui sont à l’origine de la programmation de ses deux polarités, mais il doit souvent se rappeler que ceux sont les chromosomes X et Y qui lui ont donné la vie.

Wafa El-Amrani

Extrait de “Notre Énergie Émotionnelle”


heart and mind


The ego has always created a sense of inferiority or superiority, comparison and competition to install the two negative emotions: the illusion and the guilt. It has divided humanity into a society that opposes men and woman, blacks and whites, rich and poor etc. a society that creates preferences, injustice and hatred, the whole mix becomes an excess of pridefulness and self-importance tools of division, with a type of consciousness where you’re only aware of yourself and your situation, and nothing else matters.

The difference between self love and the ego: while self love is the emotion of loving yourself, it is done in a humble down-to-earth manner, as if you understand and accept the way your Creator created you, he created you with your two polarities, with your mind, body and soul. Self Love accepts this with peace and gratitude and often leads to being tolerant and caring towards other people. If you love yourself and fully accept who you are, you have absolutely no reason to feel jealousy or insecurity. But the ego drives some people into becoming egoistical and selfish with an inflated feeling of pride in their superiority on others.

Self love is the act of loving and accepting ourselves fully, all the things and details about us, in every way possible. To love ourselves is to accept ourselves fully and completely, our mistakes, our past, our body, our imperfections and life as it is today; it is to forgive ourselves to be able to make room for change and new opportunities. It is about accepting our two polarities in all man and women around us with their qualities and divine gifts. It is about accepting and respecting ourselves, and accepting and respecting the opposite sex. By rejecting one of them we reject a part of ourselves that makes us whole and complete.

Self-love is an act of faith, it is about accepting how our Creator created us in the first place

Excerpt from “Our Emotional Energy”

Free Books

Starting 16th of March until the 20th March 2018, you can have “Our Emotional Energy” for free on kindle edition. I’m grateful that I can share so many tips and insights for free to people who enjoy my blog and emails. But some of you choose to support me in my journey by submitting their reviews on Amazon.
Thanks for supporting my work!
-Wafa El-Amrani

Version Française

Holistic medecine

Principles of Holistic medicine

Holistic medicine is based on the belief that unconditional love and support is the most powerful healer and a person is ultimately responsible for his or her own health and well-being. Other principles of holistic medicine include the following:

  • All people have innate healing powers.
  • The patient is a person, not a disease.
  • Healing takes a team approach involving the patient and doctor, and addresses all aspects of a person’s life using a variety of health care practices.
  • Treatment involves fixing the cause of the condition, not just alleviating the symptoms.



Let go!

Let go

When you find yourself reflecting in your past, stop, breathe deeply and think. Then change your thoughts by trying to imagine the life you would like to have today and in the future by simply shifting your emotions.

It is certainly not easy to shift your emotions instantly and forgive, but it is possible with the power of gratitude which is the most gracious of all emotions because it can change your emotions with grace and how you feel about yourself and the others without realizing it. Many call it the “human switch”. You can experience gratitude for anything that is within your reach in the present; it’s alright if it looks small in your eyes. However it matters because it is the first step for change: be grateful for the air you are breathing, the water you’re drinking, the warmth of the sun, etc. You will feel your heart opening and your soul reconnecting almost instantaneously.

Our human nature wants us to feel good to think of what we want to achieve in life only during our peaceful times to be able to manifest our dreams. Remember that the mistakes of your past are not fatal- they are your best teachers, be grateful to them, because they have taught you to evolve in your life and are more your allies than your enemies. You are the captain of your boat, direct your heart and mind in the right direction so that they can serve you by creating new experiences and a new future. Everything is possible in life, miracles exist, the proof you are one yourself. Turn the page of the past, align your energy system harmoniously with the universal laws of nature that direct the universe, and guide your mind to a new life that is unfolding before you.

The forgiveness process starts with uncovering the deeper meaning behind what happened, gaining new perspectives on what occurred and how to cut the emotional and energetic cords that connect you to your past. Forgive those who have “hurt” you and most importantly, forgive yourself because we all need to do some forgiving to be able to be grateful. Remember to be grateful to your failures by offering them your hand and integrating them in your journey for success. There has never been any success without failures because we are not perfect. On the contrary, let us learn to be grateful for our failures because they have taught us many things that benefit us to recognize the path of our success. They remind us of time when we made our decisions from our ego instead of the intelligence of the heart. Keep your gratitude on a high frequency as it is the most gracious emotion that takes you kindly from one emotion to another with compassion to reach the love we all want to keep inside and around us.

Excerpt from “Our Emotional Energy”

Self Love


La voie de la réussite (18)

The ego has always created a sense of inferiority or superiority, comparison and competition to install the two negative emotions: the illusion and the guilt. It has divided humanity into a society that opposes men and woman, blacks and whites, rich and poor etc. a society that creates preferences, injustice and hatred, the whole mix becomes an excess of pridefulness and self-importance tools of division, with a type of consciousness where you’re only aware of yourself and your situation, and nothing else matters.

The difference between self love and the ego: while self love is the emotion of loving yourself, it is done in a humble down-to-earth manner, as if you understand and accept the way your Creator created you, he created you with your two polarities, with your mind, body and soul. Self Love accepts this with peace and gratitude and often leads to being tolerant and caring towards other people. If you love yourself and fully accept who you are, you have absolutely no reason to feel jealousy or insecurity. But the ego drives some people into becoming egoistical and selfish with an inflated feeling of pride in their superiority on others.

Self love is the act of loving and accepting ourselves fully, all the things and details about us, in every way possible. To love ourselves is to accept ourselves fully and completely, our mistakes, our past, our body, our imperfections and life as it is today; it is to forgive ourselves to be able to make room for change and new opportunities. It is about accepting our two polarities in all man and women around us with their qualities and divine gifts. It is about accepting and respecting ourselves, and accepting and respecting the opposite sex. By rejecting one of them we reject a part of ourselves that makes us whole and complete.

Self-love is an act of faith, it is about accepting how our Creator created us in the first place

Excerpt from “Our Emotional Energy”

What a dance!

via The Dance of Light and Shadow — Indigosskyisablaze