We Are our Karma

In our journey through life, we embody our karma, which is essentially the sum of our actions and their consequences since early childhood.
Karma has roots in the concept of imprints, which signifies the imprints left by every thought, word, and deed we engage in, shaping our very being.

These imprints, like seeds, lie within us, some dormant for ages until circumstances align for them to manifest. Positive imprints produce favorable outcomes, drawing kindness and positivity toward us. On the other hand, negative imprints attract situations that mirror their energy, resulting in what we perceive as karmic debts.

Addressing negative karma involves navigating our inner web of energetic debts we accumulate. When we deplete the energy associated with a negative imprint, the karmic debt is settled. However, a common trap arises when faced with harm caused by others; reacting with anger only perpetuates the cycle of negativity, engraving more adverse imprints within us and prolonging the cycle of suffering.

To release bad karma effectively, it is crucial to cultivate awareness, acceptance, and forgiveness. By acknowledging the patterns that restrict us and choosing responses rooted in compassion and understanding, we can gradually dissolve negative imprints and prepare the way for a more harmonious existence.

It’s essential to understand that our karma is not a separate entity but an integral part of our being. Every thought, word, and action we engage in leaves an imprint on our consciousness, shaping our character, influencing our experiences, and determining the path of our lives. These imprints, both positive and negative form the fabric of our karma, coloring the lens through which we perceive the world and interact with others.

To release bad karma and cultivate a more positive energetic flow in our lives, it’s beneficial to explore various techniques aimed at healing and transformation. Here are some effective practices for releasing bad karma:

Mindfulness and Self-Reflection: By cultivating mindfulness and self-awareness, we can observe our thoughts, emotions, and actions without judgment. This practice enables us to identify negative patterns and conditioning that contribute to our karmic imprints.

Forgiveness and Compassion: Practicing forgiveness towards ourselves and others can help release the “holding on” negative karma. By cultivating compassion and understanding, we can break free from the cycle of resentment and anger that perpetuates karmic debts.

Meditation and Energy Healing: Meditation practices such as loving-kindness meditation, visualization, and energy healing techniques can help cleanse and balance our energetic field, releasing stagnant energy and negative imprints that contribute to karmic debts.

By integrating these techniques into our daily lives and spiritual practices, we can gradually release bad karma, heal past wounds, and create a more harmonious and fulfilling existence for ourselves and those around us.

I stay at your disposal for more information,
Feel free to contact me if needed.
All the best,
Wafa El-Amrani

A Valentine’s Gift just for you

Love is an inside job, and your search for love begins with YOU. In this course, I share my latest understanding of love. Remember, love starts from within yourself.
Let go of the past and create the love you truly desire this year and it all begins with the new YOU.

I invite you to register for my FREE course, there is also a French version available on Udemy.

Click the link below to join.

Happy Valentine’s Day,
Wishing you all the best,
Wafa El-Amrani

Inner Child-Episode 3-Sibling Rivalry

Hello and welcome to this new episode on sibling rivalry.
Personal growth and inner child work are crucial in the rivalry healing process. By understanding how childhood experiences have influenced our behaviors and emotions as adults, we become aware of the impact it has on our lives and begin to heal and transform our relationships with our siblings. This can contribute to creating a more harmonious environment for personal growth and development.

The good news is that it is never too late to work on resolving conflicts and healing relationships between siblings, even in adulthood. Patience and commitment are key elements to start this process. Developing mutual understanding, open communication, resilience, and seeking to talk about past conflicts, will help each one of the brothers and sisters to grow toward healthier and more positive relationships.

Don’t hesitate to find me on the new episodes of “my inner child”,
By joining our community, we will be able to overcome all challenges together find the best version of yourself, and finally discover the quality of life you deserve!
Press the “subscribe” button to follow my next episodes for new adventures!
Do not hesitate to consult the “Podcasts and Courses” page
And the different episodes on Spotify

Thank you

My Innerchild Podcast Introduction

English Podcast

Hello and welcome to “My Inner Child” Podcast Introduction.

The purpose of this inner work is to reconnect with your inner child, to identify and deal with what really happened during your childhood, and replace the unconscious negative patterns that are currently guiding you in the present, with positive ones that will lead you this time to make better choices and decisions.

Healing your inner child can be an individual journey, and different techniques work for different people. Some common techniques for healing your inner child include therapy, inner-child meditations, creative expression, self-care practices, and inner-child visualization exercises. It’s important to find what works best for you and to seek support from a professional if needed.

Don’t hesitate to find me on the new episodes of “my inner child”,
By joining our community, we will be able to overcome all challenges together find the best version of yourself, and finally discover the quality of life you deserve!
Press the “subscribe” button to follow my next episodes for new adventures!
Do not hesitate to consult the “Podcasts and Courses” page
And the different episodes on Spotify

Thank you

Mon Enfant Intérieur

Je vous propose une solution pour vous libérer du poids du passé, retrouver votre paix intérieure ainsi que votre tranquillité d’esprit.
N’hésitez pas à me retrouver sur les nouvelles épisodes de “mon enfant intérieur”,
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Appuyer sur le bouton “subscribe” afin de suivre mes prochaines épisodes pour de nouvelles aventures! 

N’hesitez pas à consulter la page “Podcasts and Courses

Et les différentes épisodes sur Spotify


Happy 2024

Dear community and precious ones,

Wishing you and your family all the best of this holiday season.

Make sure to Celebrate your loved ones and create memories together that will last a lifetime.

The most important gift you can give those you love is YOU and spending quality time with them. This New Year be sure to let those you love know how much you love them and what they mean to you.

Wishing you and your family the most love-filled and Happy New Year.

Wafa El-Amrani

The delicate balance between our ethics and artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing our world at high speed, but it raises crucial questions about ethics. How can we reconcile technological progress with strong ethical principles?

Ethics in AI are based on two essential pillars: accountability and transparency.

1/ Accountability implies that AI creators take responsibility for the actions of these systems. This requires careful consideration of the potential consequences of AI on society and the environment.
2/ Transparency is crucial to ensure trust in AI. Understanding how decisions are made by algorithms is essential to assess their fairness and avoid any discriminatory bias, because it may lead to unfair or damaging results.

Personal development can help improve our ethics. By working on ourselves, strengthening our moral conscience, cultivating discipline and positive values, and developing a better understanding of ourselves and others, you can strengthen your ethical principles and your ability to make morally just decisions. Personal development often provides tools for reflecting on one’s actions, values, and interactions with others, which can nurture a strong and thoughtful ethics.

As for ethics in the era of artificial intelligence, it is crucial to establish ethical principles to guide the development, deployment, and use of AI. This includes transparency of algorithms, protection of privacy, fairness, and accountability in decisions made by AI systems. Developing ethics adapted to these technologies is fundamental to guarantee their responsible and ethical use in our society.

In few words, balancing ethics and AI requires a multidimensional and collaborative approach. This requires the engagement of diverse stakeholders, from regulators to developers to civil society, to shape AI that reflects our ethical values while driving innovation and progress.

Wafa El-Amrani

The traps of self-projection

Wafa El-Amrani

What is Judgement?

A judgment is a decision that something or someone should be, or should act, differently than it actually does.

When you judge others, you are judging yourself,  your life, your circumstances, and your situations. You are darkening your inner voice, your soul, your intuition, and you are completely disconnecting yourself from the Divine- your Creator who speaks to you through your heart and soul and shows you the right path since He is the only One who has the power to illuminate your soul with His holy light and support.

When you feel that nothing is enough, that there is something missing, that circumstances must be different, that things must move forward faster, and find trouble accepting other people’s lifestyles, etc… you are in a judgmental state of mind which will gradually turn into a closure to communication with your Creator.

No matter how hard you try, your connection to the Divine will be futile and blocked, and as your pride (ego) begins to take a larger place in your being, it neutralizes your most beautiful Divine gifts: your intuition and your heart, to the point where your soul is weighed down with judgments and limiting beliefs and will no longer be able to rise beyond the situation you are experiencing and regain freedom and balance.

Re-connecting to the Divine starts with awareness. The second step is to begin the process of letting go and forgiving people who “hurt” you- not for them, but for your inner peace, to be able to free yourself from limitations, criticisms, anxiety, fear, doubt, and overthinking, all of which block access to your heart, your “wonderland”, which is the key to a great, healthy, happy life.

Wafa El-Amrani

Soul manifestation

The wholeness of the soul is the most precious gem,  and the experience of our personal development journey is the essence of who we really are, which allows our soul to rise, and helps it to achieve its multi-dimension to be able to manifest our dreams and desires.

The awareness of our life journey in the present moment, makes the soul dwell in the presence of the present, and at this level, your life’s journey becomes the development of your soul’s wholeness and your freedom. 

A good journey of the soul is inseparable from the presence of the present moment; this journey is the process of integrating one’s essence and authenticity into this integrated and mature presence.
And this process has two complementary phases:  

1/ The first is the development of the essence and the authenticity of your soul to be whole and complete, this is what we call the authenticity of the soul. 

2/ It is this complementarity of the essence of the soul and its authenticity that allows it to become transparent, completely complete, and so complete that the two become one (essence and authenticity). 

It is the fullness of the soul defined by this complementarity of its essence and its authenticity, which makes it possible to realize a dynamic presence in which the results of your efforts are positive and your experiences are of great quality to become the fruits of all your manifestations. 

The soul continues to be the soul, but when its spirituality is completely essentialized, it becomes whole in the purity of its presence, immaculate and transparent in its authenticity and essence.

And when the soul has achieved the purity of its presence and has attained the dynamism and functionality of its freedom, it becomes a dynamic and living presence, which manifests and transforms into various forms and patterns of experiences, which are utterly essential, honorably rewarding and fulfilling to all human life.

Wafa El-Amrani